1 Openings

NextSteps Coordinator – Greencastle

Adult Ministry
GPC - Greencastle
  • Ministry Team: Adult Ministry
  • Reports to: Director of Adult Ministry & campus leadership
  • Time Commitment: 2 – 4 hours/week
  • Length of Commitment: 1 year (can renew each year


To champion, organize, and provide opportunities at your respective campus for those seeking to take their next steps to know Christ personally, grow with Christ and others, and go with Christ to make a difference.


  • Recruit, train and schedule a team to serve at or in close connection with the Guest Services area at our weekend experiences to assist with next steps conversations (conversations involving salvation, theology, next steps, Circles, serving, or more.)
  • Host and facilitate NextSteps events (‘Get to Know Grand Point Church’, and ‘Learn to Grow & Go’ at GPC.)
  • Coordinate follow-up strategy for weekend next steps conversations or NextSteps event participants to help them discern and take their next steps with Christ (providing resources or self-studies, connecting them to a pastor or department leader, finding or starting a Circle, applying to be a part of the Serve Family, or more.)


  • Actively pursuing a life-giving, growing, obedient, and genuine relationship with Jesus.
  • Eagerly supportive of Grand Point: it’s mission, values, leaders, and vision for the future.
  • Enthusiastic about helping people on their spiritual journey and developing a team to accomplish our strategy and goals.


  • NextSteps kit (including a retractable sign and all the printed resources needed for the NextSteps events and display for weekend experiences)
  • Next Steps page on the Grand Point website
  • NextSteps apparel

Onboarding Plan

  • Discuss your interest with your campus leadership and Director of Adult Ministry.
  • Read and sign the GPC Leadership Covenant.
  • Orientation and training conversations with the Director of Adult Ministry.
  • Begin coordinating the NextSteps display and NextSteps events at your campus in collaboration with your campus leadership and Director of Adult Ministry.


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