15 Openings

Usher – Chambersburg

Connections Team
  • Ministry Team: Connections Team
  • Reports to: Executive Director of Advancement
  • Time Commitment: one service per month
    • Saturday 5:15-7:15PM
    • Sunday: 7:30AM-9:25AM
    • Sunday: 9:25AM-10:50AM
    • Sunday: 10:50AM-12:30PM
  • Length of Commitment: 1 year


To create an atmosphere where every person who walks through the doors of Grand Point Church feels seen, known, loved, and valued.


  • Remain in a specific zone inside the Sanctuary in coordination with other ushers to assist attenders in finding a place to sit.
  • Greet people as they enter the Sanctuary and walk them to a place to sit or direct them to another usher who can assist in finding a seat.
  • Look for open spaces as the room fills up to seat those who arrive later.
  • Arrive 15 – 20 minutes prior to service start time. Stay until most people have exited the room.
  • If communion is to be taken to seats, remind those entering to take their communion elements.
  • Be available to pass out communion elements to those who do not have them.
  • Close doors at the back of the room when the music begins.
  • Open doors at the back of the room when the service ends.
  • Take attendance and record it on the attendance sheet.
  • Saturday evening service and Sunday 11:15 service: After service, take offering out of the 3 boxes (2 are in the balcony area) and place it in the bag. With security and a designated counter, take the offering bag to the church office, separate it, and place it in the bags in the safe. After the Sunday 11:15 service, place the attendance sheet in the safe also. Return the empty bag to the sanctuary.


  • You must like people!
  • Comfortable with walking people around the room and asking people to slide to make room in the row.



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