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Worship Team Meal Volunteers – Chambersburg

Worship & Tech

Do you love to serve others by providing meals? Our GPC-Chambersburg worship team gathers on Saturday afternoons to rehearse for the weekend services and fellowship together during dinner before the Saturday night service. We need your help to make those meals available! Requirements are super simple:

  • Provide meal for worship and tech teams serving
  • Plan for approximately 15-20 people
  • Light meal, doesn’t have to be anything crazy – food only, no need for drinks or paper products
  • Home cooked or purchased
  • Deliver to the church by 5pm Saturday night – you do not need to stay to serve but you are welcome to stay & eat with us!
  • Any dishes will be cleaned and ready for pick up by Sunday morning

If you, your family, or your small group would like to serve our worship team in this way, simply fill out the form below and Chris will work with you to get you added to a rotating schedule.


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